
"The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord."
THAT is my verse of the week/month/year.
Up until last evening, we were having an outstanding garden season. But at 5:50 p.m. July 22, that all changed. A very sudden, very ferocious storm came up with wind, rain, rotating clouds, and massive amounts of hail. Hay in the pasture was as tall as my rib cage. It now is about 6 inches tall. The pumpkins are nothing but pock-marked green orbs. Carrot tops have been sheared off at ground level. Pepper plants that had been loaded with tiny fruits are now nothing but little sticks. Cucumbers are smashed into relish. I have never seen such destruction since I was a child.
We lost 5 windows on the house and 3 on the garage. Fortunately, the 4 calves we have all survived (yes, hail can kill), and some of the plants might come back once they get pruned and have some time to recuperate.
I will be replanting peas, lettuces, spinach, beets and any other crop that will have a chance to fruit before frost, within the next 5 days.
The photo above is what is left of the potatoes. Below is what is left of the tomatoes and a pumpkin--PRE-CARVED!
Through all this, I know my God is in control and I can say "it is well with my soul"
