Spring is about babies and, boy, do we have them! Baby chicks, baby calves and honey bees all arrived in the past 10 days, and "baby" vegetables are making their appearance in the garden. And, just like our own children, they will all be grown up in the blink of an eye.
The weather has been cool and wet so we are not able to do as much outside as we would like, but there is plenty of indoor work to do. Since we start all our tomato and pepper plants from seed, I have been transplanting many of them into larger pots, taking care of some home school chores, and refreshing my calf-feeding knowledge.
Just in case you think all we do around here is work, let me tell you about the fun we had last night. We went to the family dance in Angora. WHAT FUN!! People of all ages from knee-high wee-ones to grandparents and a bunch of twenty-somethings enjoying an evening of good, clean dancing fun. It had been a while since Lyn and I had gone dancing as we don't enjoy going places where the air is blue (either from smoke or language). We had such a good tome that getting up to feed the calves and take care of the other chores wasn't a very big deal even though we got home a 1:00 a.m.
Tomorrow starts another busy week, so I will leave you with a picture of our bees.
Happy Living!